Introducing the sponsor of our Third Thursday Social, Wally Dorsey, Jr of Radon Ease, Inc.!
Wally has known Kevin Allocca from Neumann+Dunn for about 15+ years. Radon Ease, Inc tested his home for radon when he first bought it. Kevin has introduced them to his realtor friends and co-workers over the years.
Wally Dorsey served in Fast Attack, nuclear submarines in the late 1970s. He continued to study radon at Harvard University in 1988, followed by Rutgers in 1990 and has studied various sub-disciplines in radon throughout the country. He also has a written publication on radon that was published by AARST, The American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists in 2013.
Not surprisingly, when asked about radon and his experiences, he had plenty of input.
“Sadly, even at this late date, many realtors have never even heard of radon, or choose not to. For others, they simply don’t believe the science that ties radon to lung cancer in humans. Research which dates to the 1940s and is still currently studied and found to be the second leading cause of lung cancer nationally. Typically, once a realtor has a client involved an Elevated Radon Home, whether they “believe in radon” or not, they make radon testing a part of their clients’ inspection checklist.”
We asked Wally what the average cost for radon testing was and his response was, “The average cost for a Professional Radon Test varies, typically averaging less than $200. However, the range is $165 +. A radon in water test can further increase the price. In either case, a reasonable cost for “insurance” against radon-induced lung cancer for one’s family.”
“Dr. Bill Fields has been instrumental in some of the research into radon-induced lung cancer in the US. Ryan Paris is our State Radon Program Director. He’s a wealth of information and has seen me present at various AARST and EPA Functions over the years. Ryan can be reached at 804-864-8150. I’ve met and spoken with Dr. Fields over the years and he’s familiar with some of what I do in the radon field as well.”
For Wally, Radon-Ease was an accident of timing. He says, “While serving in the US Navy on Nuclear Submarines in the 70s I was repeatedly exposed to radiation from an unknown source. We never figured out where it was coming from, beyond knowing it was NOT the Submarine I was stationed on. In 1984 while I was a home builder, I read an article about Stanley Wattrus, a nuclear power plant engineer at the Limerick Nuclear Power Plant in the Reading Prong area of Pennsylvania. He had been exposed to thousands of times more radiation than was allowable for a nuclear power plant worker, but the radiation it turned out was from his home, not the power plant. Couple my knowledge of radiation from the US Navy with my understanding of how homes function and Radon suddenly became my new passion and career in 1985.”
When Wally isn’t busy working with Radon Ease, Inc., his “free time” is spent working in the garden, tending their flock of hens and surfing or fishing, when time allows. As of late, digging into the shallow end of construction and building the pavilion at their home. Being the owner of a small business, raising a granddaughter, doesn’t allow for much free time for Wally though!
Learn more about radon here and here.
Thank you, Wally and Radon Ease, Inc. for all your years of knowledge and for continuously working with all of us here at Neumann+Dunn Real Estate. We are very grateful!